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Writing Wednesday: 15 New Year’s Resolutions for Every Writer

What's that they say about the road to hell? Oh right, it's paved with New Year's Resolutions. It seems that every year we vow to...

Writing Wednesday: Writer versus Writer

If you are ever feeling down because nobody knows your name, then take heart: at least the cutthroat world of writing rivalries cannot take...

Writing Wednesday: 5 Surprising Scientific Benefits of Using Paper Over Screens

In 2015, it has become commonly accepted as fact that technology makes our lives easier. From the fairly recent inventions that we take for...

8 Questions with Anaïs: Following a Dream and the Power of Social Media

For our "X Questions With" series, we're speaking with talented individuals from around the world who have inspired us with their creativity and passion....

Writing Wednesday: Encouraging Advice for Dealing with Criticism

It's one thing to look at examples of now-published writers who survived rejection (see Writing Wednesday: 4 Famous Rejections) and another thing completely to try...

Writing Wednesday: 5 Ways Keep Up Your NaNoWriMo Momentum

We're well on our way to the end of November and if you're still on track to complete 1667 words a day,  give yourself...

Writing Wednesday: 15 Must-Use Hashtags for Writers

Social media is a great way to connect not only with your readers, but with agents, editors and fellow writers as well! The popular...

The 10 Most Infamous Literary Hoaxes of All Time

It's the first day of April, meaning we had all better be extra vigilant about stories that seem too good, or absurd, to be...

Writing Wednesday: 10 Songwriting Tips from the Pros

This weekend the 56th annual Grammy Awards will honour some of the greatest musical achievements of the past year. An impending event of this...

Susan Reagan: Author-Illustrator Profile

Name: Susan Reagan Age: 52 City/Town: Tremont, a wonderfully small and diverse historic neighborhood of Cleveland, Ohio. Places Travelled: Not every state in the United States yet,...