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Inspiring Creativity

Unleash the creativity already inside you.

While a sketchbook can be an intimate and personal object, rarely to be shared, it can also be a source of inspiration to others. Peeking into someone else’s sketchbook we might see our own thoughts reflected, the documentation of...
As spring brings new beginnings, longer days and the marvellous sight of trees and gardens bursting into bloom, we want to dedicate today's post to celebrating Earth. Below are some of our nature-inspired covers along with words from our...
It’s a new year and you are probably full of ambitious plans and inspiring goals. Setting intentions at the beginning of the year – or at any time, for that matter – can help us recharge and bring optimism...
How you start your morning can set the tone for the rest of your day. A great morning routine can have many positive benefits including increased productivity and creativity throughout the day. If inviting more inspiration into your day sounds appealing,...
With June well and truly underway, not only does it bring us halfway through the year but it also presents a great occasion to reflect on how far you've come, celebrate special memories, and cultivate new ones. Whether you're heading...
There's a reason why spring is one of literature's most celebrated seasons. From the moment it arrives, there's a chorus sung in nature that artists endeavour to capture. From the arrival of delicate flowers to the smell of newfound...
Sometimes the creativity and intrigue of writing must be set aside in favour of the essentials. We've already talked about the strange talismans some famed writers have kept at their desks (see Writing Wednesday: 10 Strange Superstitions of Your...
Even in our digital age, pen and paper play a crucial role in society. Whether jotting down notes during a meeting or writing out a grocery list before running to the store, crafting a meaningful letter to a loved...
For this Sketchbook Saturday blog post we had asked one of our Graphic Designers to submit some doodles suggesting perspective. What we got was way cooler than we even imagined! These drawings suggest the deceptively complex "impossible figures" of...
There is nothing like curling up in front of the fire with a cup of cocoa and a good book on Christmas Eve. But if you are like us, the annual tradition of reading a Christmas story can...