Celebrating Moments

Create precious moments of reflection.

“The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.” Paulo Coelho Last week we spoke about the beneficial effects journalling can have on your confidence, with the habit of practicing gratitude being...
From the union of two Greek words – kallos, which means “beauty” and graphein, which means “writing” – calligraphy simply translates as “beautiful writing.” But this ancient practice is much more than the art of forming beautiful symbols by...
Days, weeks, months and years can go by so quickly. This is one reason why commemorating special moments is important. If you've ever thought about how best to treasure your memories, whether they're special occasions or just the everyday,...
We have always been book people here at Paperblanks, reproducing everything from antique bindings to handwritten manuscripts. To celebrate the craft of writing and a love of reading, here are some of our favourite quotes on the subject of...
It is no secret that at Paperblanks we are enthusiasts about handwritten letters. In the past we've brought you many stories about pen pals who become lifelong friends, a love letter collection, a letter writing challenge and typewriting socials,...
June is well underway and with it the countdown to summer is officially on. We are so ready to trade our rain gear for sun hats and pack for a picnic in the park. To celebrate the changing seasons, we've...
There’s no doubt that winter is the perfect time to sit in and hunker down with some reading. If you're wondering what to do with a free weekend this chilly season, may we suggest putting your coziest socks on, turning...
There's a reason why spring is one of literature's most celebrated seasons. From the moment it arrives, there's a chorus sung in nature that artists endeavour to capture. From the arrival of delicate flowers to the smell of newfound...
As we move further into the year, each season offers an opportunity to refresh one’s mind and reflect on personal stories. Journalling prompts are a wonderful way to determine where to focus your energies and discover new directions. To inspire...