As creatives, sometimes we might feel overwhelmed by self-doubt, imposter’s syndrome or creative block. When we lack motivation or find it impossible to list our achievements, it’s important to pause and reflect on our creative journey and the many things that make us love our practice.
Here are 10 journalling prompts to help you explore those temporary feelings of doubt and to remind you that – wherever you are in your creative journey – your work is important and unique.

- How did you discover your love for what you do?
- Write about anyone or anything that has inspired your creativity and artistic passion.
- Write about what art means to you.
- Where do you find inspiration?
- How is your work a reflection of you?
- How has your practice changed over time?
- What work do you most enjoy doing?
- What memorable responses have you had to your work?
- Which moment in your career are you most proud of? Why?
- What do you want to communicate to the people who look at your work?

Check out all our prompts on the Paperblanks app! If you haven’t downloaded it yet, we’ve provided links on the bottom right of this page where you can gain access to hundreds of prompts on varying themes and topics.
And be sure to join us in our People of Paperblanks Facebook group so you can share your work with the rest of the Paperblanks community. We’d love to see what you write or create using these prompts!