Sometimes at the Endpaper Blog we get the unique opportunity to offer a platform to creative journallers from around the world. Our partnership with Natalie Carranceja – a confidence expert, mental health advocate and avid journaller here in our home province of British Columbia, Canada – continues to grow. Today, we are excited to welcome Natalie back to the Endpaper Blog to share her personal perspective on how we can find new confidence in fear and uncertainty during a difficult time.
You can learn about Natalie and her work on her website, Facebook and Instagram or read her previous guest posts here on the Endpaper Blog.

We are all feeling it, as a collective.
Fear of uncertainty has washed over us like the tide, and at the moment we feel shaken up and uneasy.
With all this going on, it’s very easy to allow fear to lead the way.
But it really doesn’t have to be this way.
A beautiful reframe that I have been reminding myself of recently is that we are ALL in this together. We are all collectively experiencing the same fear. We can all be truly and wholeheartedly empathetic towards each other due to the emotions we are all sharing in this moment.
Can you see the beauty in this?
Just this very awareness brings about a sense of calm amongst the chaos.
And right now you get to choose how you would like to respond to this fear.
Are you willing to embrace it and see it as an opportunity to rise up?
This is something I have been journaling on over the last few days.
Identifying the ways in which this current situation and fear I am experiencing can create pathways and new beginnings.
I would love to share with you some insights that came through putting pen to paper…and of course, some intuitive journaling prompts too!

1. Fear of uncertainty has allowed us to clearly see what we have control over, and what we do not have control over.
This has given us a chance to finally let go of expectations that have created so much pressure in our lives previously. We have had to learn to surrender, which I know I really needed to learn how to do.
“What am I choosing to surrender and let go of?”
“How will letting this go improve my life moving forward?”
2. Fear of uncertainty has given us a window of opportunity for deeper inner work.
I know I have been faced with seeing my old not-so-great relationship with money bubble to the surface and trigger a lot of worry and anxiety, which I have chosen to face and work on. For some, I know they have identified that this fear has taken control of the way they communicate at home and they wish to learn to better their conversation skills during this time. I encourage you to look at this as a pathway to growth and expansion.
“What is this fear of uncertainty guiding me to work on internally?”
“How will choosing to see this as an opportunity for growth benefit me and those I love?”
3. Fear of uncertainty has revealed our deepest and most treasured values.
As we experience this fear we have truly anchored into what matters to us the most. We are taking inventory and re-prioritizing the things that really light us up, keep us grounded and ignite our joy.
“What do I truly value most in life?”
“What am I committed to doing to ensure these values stay a priority?”
4. Fear of uncertainty has created an immense amount of gratitude within each of us.
Gratitude for the lives we get to lead, for the incredible health workers and front line staff, and the people who are working round the clock to keep us safe. Not to mention gratitude for communities pulling together to help the elderly and each other. THIS is the beauty of the fear we are experiencing – it has pulled us all closer together. This is a time to really sink into that gratitude and let it guide you.
“What am I truly grateful for right now?”
“How will I choose to allow this gratitude to guide me moving forward?”
This is how we embrace fear of uncertainty together. By realizing it has brought out the best in us and revealed our incredible strengths as individuals and as communities.
Next time fear wants to lead the way, remind yourself that you get to shift the way you look at it, and choose to always see the opportunity for growth and gratitude.
Stay safe and stay connected.
Love Natalie.
About Natalie:
Natalie is a Confidence Coach with a fierce love for understanding the subconscious mind and cultivating more human-to-human connection. Inside her successful global coaching practice, Natalie helps women create unimaginable confidence so they can powerfully evolve and align with new opportunities in their relationships and life. She is passionate about helping women grow their emotional awareness, develop their intentional communication skills and truly learn how to cultivate the courage to make impactful decisions, so they can rise up and regain their personal power.
For more about Natalie, click here.