As part of our 2019 Back to School contest, we asked you for your top tips for scholastic success. Thanks to everyone who participated, we not only got to set up one lucky student with a back to school survival kit, but we have a cache of fabulous tips to share!
“Be motivated, well prepared and self-confident. These three things are the key to a great start.”
– Lars Gillen on Facebook
We received hundreds of entries from students, both current and former, from around the world. Despite everyone’s unique schooling experience, some key themes emerged. From preparing with a healthy breakfast and treating yourself to new stationery, to keeping calm and maintaining a positive mindset, we have some great advice to share for the coming academic year.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep
“My best tip would be to get the best night’s sleep you can the night before, so you wake up energized and at the right time. Being stressed in the morning can ruin your whole day, so you don’t wanna slap the snooze button on your first day!”
– Laura Lastaelys on Facebook
When it comes to setting yourself up for success, a good night’s sleep is the best way to start.
“You will always be successful on your first day when you get enough sleep, eat your breakfast, be happy for the fact that you have the opportunity to study and listen to a motivating podcast when you are on your way!”
– @byhaticekubra on Instagram
“Get a nice 8-hour sleep… and have your Paperblanks planner ready of course.”
– @aimeecatherinemichel on Instagram
“Go to bed early so you can wake up early! I also like to meditate before I start my day.”
– @zeat99 on Instagram
Plan and Pack Ahead
“Choose your outfit the day before, even the makeup, to avoid lost time. Eat a pretty good breakfast to help your body with the changing of habits. Listen carefully to what your teachers are saying and be social.”
– @sosojojo8783 on Instagram
The last thing you want to be worried about on your first day of school is what to wear and what to pack. Prep your outfit, lunch and back to school essentials the night before so you aren’t feeling rushed and stressed in the morning.
“Have everything ready in advance, wake up with a big smile and enjoy what’s there for you. Your best is all we can ask for.”
– Elizabete Saragoça on Facebook
“Notes make you remember and reflect – more so if you are writing by hand. So my #1 tip is to get a beautiful notebook with quality paper. One that will follow you as a good friend and a place of learning and memory throughout the year. To me a good notebook is an anchor, the first step into a new year, and it has to be well-made and beautiful because I will use it every day. It will tie my hard work, troubles, random ideas and – sometimes – revelations together.”
– @mbmoeslund on Instagram
“I am an autodidact so for me planning is essential! And so is getting up early with a cup of tea. The most motivating for me is using beautiful stationery!”
– @koekemeer on Instagram
Focus on Nutrition
“Have breakfast. Not just a coffee on the go – sit down and enjoy it by eating something you like. And be sure to pick the right sugar if your friend asks to bring you coffee!”
– Giuilia Fornaciari on Facebook
“Have a good lunch with you.”
– @kristinauthmann on Instagram
“Pack your favorite snack!”
– Janet Fleming Beatrice on Facebook
“Meal prepping! Being hungry on the first day back at school isn’t a good start.”
– Klara Burkhardt on Facebook
Many people responded that a healthy breakfast (and coffee in moderation, depending on the age of the student) is key to starting your first day off on the right foot.

A Little Kindness Goes a Long Way
“Look for opportunities to make it an outstanding day for yourself or someone else.”
– Jennifer Radtke on Facebook
Connecting with others and pushing yourself a little outside your comfort zone to try new things were popular pieces of advice.
“Never be too afraid to try something new at school, get involved with a school club or organization. It’ll create a bond with your school and other people.”
– @01_bre_04 on Instagram
“Don’t limit yourself by telling yourself that you’re not social enough to make friends – just do it! You are a nice person and deserve to have good friends.”
– Estefanía González on Facebook
“Talk to as many peers as you can to feel comfortable the next day.”
– @karmaliya on Instagram
Keep a Positive Mental Attitude
“Tip for a successful first day: just smile and keep thinking about how lucky you are to have a chance for improving yourself.”
– @fraildireeilmare on Instagram
School can be a lot of work, but it’s also a great opportunity to learn interesting new things and discover new facets of yourself.
“Smile and enjoy! School days are the best period ever!”
– Valentina Santomassimo on Facebook
“Stay calm and just enjoy life in school because one day it will end and you’ll miss it.”
– @ariaabfnv011 on Instagram
“Friends and teachers will color this year, good and bad experiences will cross, but you’ll never lose the desire to smile and learn. Be positive!”
– Francesca Vi on Facebook
Most Importantly, Be Yourself!
“ Always be well prepared and give your best. Even if it’s difficult, never stop trying.”
– Elvira Valic on Facebook
“First and most important tip: don’t let school kill your true self and your creativity! Stay safe from idiocy and take all the knowledge you need without the marks, the judgement and the rivalry!”
– @lalettricesolitaria on Instagram
“Try to keep calm and be yourself; do things that keep you motivated to give it all in your routine!”
– @carmenmarlez on Instagram
“I think being yourself is something we tend to forget in the hustle and bustle of things.”
– @salaamseeker on Instagram
The most important piece of advice to remember, is just that – this is just advice! If you listen to your instincts and be true to yourself, you are already off to a great start.
Check out all the submissions on our Facebook and Instagram pages!
Nice compilation of advice. I enjoyed reading it.
Thanks Crystal! It was a real pleasure to read through everyone’s responses.