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Writing Wednesday: 4 Tips for Starting (and Maintaining!) Your Writing Journal
Like any muscle, your brain needs to be regularly worked out in order to perform at its best. If you're a writer it's important...
Writing Wednesday: Politics, the English Language and You
George Orwell is widely regarded as a literary pioneer, and for good reason. His keen awareness of social injustice and opposition to totalitarianism, largely...
Writing Wednesday: 10 Quotes on Remembering the Role of the Reader
So many topics have been covered as fellow authors wax eloquently on the craft of writing – from finding inspiration to moving past writer's block...
Writing Wednesday: 20 Great Prompts to Jump-Start Your Creativity
Creative writing has its ups and downs. Some days, the ideas seem endless and it's next to impossible to get them all down on...
Writing Wednesday: 5 Easy Exercises to Boost Your Brain Power
Last week on Writing Wednesday we spoke about the importance of getting physical when battling writer's block. It's not just physical fitness, however, that...
5 Surefire Ways to Improve Your Self-Editing Skills
“I was working on the proof of one of my poems all the morning, and took out a comma. In the afternoon I put...
Writing Wednesday: 8 Tips from Children’s Book Authors
Today is International Children's Book Day (ICBD), an annual event based around the birthday of famed fairy tale teller Hans Christian Andersen. Meant to...