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Writing Wednesday: How to Write Even When Inspiration Hasn’t Struck

Whether you are on a strict deadline or just want to write because you enjoy it, not being able to think of an idea...

Writing Wednesday: 4 Simple Steps to Becoming a Better Writer

Is there a difference between good writing and being a good writer? We think so. While it's important to have all the fundamentals of...

Writing Wednesday: 4 Great Online Tools to Improve Your Writing

Our Writing Wednesday series is all about bringing you the best possible writing advice we can. But we know that we aren't the only resource...

Writing Wednesday: 7 Successful Writers on Believing in Your Craft

Writers, at any stage of their career, are going to come up against roadblocks. Whether it's finding time to write, facing criticism or dealing...

Writing Wednesday: A 10-Minute Freewriting Warm-Up

The concept of spontaneous writing to loosen up your flow is nothing new. In 1953 Jack Kerouac even wrote down the "essentials" of this...

Writing Wednesday: 5 Writing Habits You Should Pick Up

You often hear advice for breaking bad habits, but what about those good habits you actually want to form? If you are going to...

Writing Wednesday: Advice on Increasing Productivity from 8 Real-Life Writers

Writing, like any other pursuit, must be undertaken regularly in order to develop your skills and techniques. It is important to figure out a...

5 Ways to Go from Journal Owner to Actual Journal User

If there is one thing we consistently hear, it is that our journals are pretty darn beautiful. Unfortunately, this compliment is often followed up...

Writing Wednesday: Words of Wisdom from 10 Masterful Writers

The great part about being an aspiring writer is that advice and inspiration are never too far away. Writing is an art as old...

8 Pieces of Writing Every Aspiring Author Needs to Read

It is no secret that we are big believers in Strunk and White's Elements of Style. But what other works are important reads for anyone looking...