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3 Benefits to Taking the Time to Write by Hand

Even in our digital age, pen and paper play a crucial role in society. Whether jotting down notes during a meeting or writing out...
analog vs digital

5 Benefits of Journalling in the Digital Age

With instant messaging and social media at our fingertips, it is so easy to put our views and opinions out into the world. However,...

Writing Wednesday: 7 Powerful Benefits of Writing Lists

There are many ways of keeping organised – from a hastily jotted sticky note to a highly trained personal assistant. But somewhere in between...

Journal Your Cares Away: 3 Mental Health Benefits of Keeping a Diary

We don't refer to our journals as "companions" for nothing – when you get into the habit of daily writing, a journal can function...

Writing Wednesday: 5 Surprising Scientific Benefits of Using Paper Over Screens

In 2015, it has become commonly accepted as fact that technology makes our lives easier. From the fairly recent inventions that we take for...

Writing Wednesday: 5 Surprising Benefits of Keeping a Pocket Notebook

Many of the benefits of keeping a notebook are obvious, especially to the journallers among us. Having the ability to write down your creative...

Writing Wednesday: 3 Surprising Benefits of Keeping a Journal

Here on the Endpaper Blog we tend to separate our journalling articles from our writing articles. In reality, however, the two activities often go...

Handwriting Still Thriving in a Digital Age

It’s discussed a lot these days. “Are laptops, smart phones and the iPad going to kill off X, Y, or Z?” (Bound books, newspapers,...

4 Reasons to Start a Gratitude Journal

Today is the United Nations International Day of Happiness. The day is meant to be an opportunity to “create a happier and kinder world...

The Mindful Practice of Calligraphy

From the union of two Greek words – kallos, which means “beauty” and graphein, which means “writing” – calligraphy simply translates as “beautiful writing.”...