In the 15th century Johannes Gutenberg invented printing from movable, reproducible type, a development that transformed the face of printing and enabled the creation of his famed 42-line Bible. Gutenberg’s invention made it possible to replicate the work of scribes who for generations had meticulously copied texts by hand. Now, after being printed, pages were embellished by artists who painted marvellous creations alongside the type, combining illustrations and the printed word in exquisite form.

Pictured here: Parabole journal and pencil case

The Gutenberg Bible is one of the earliest mass-produced books in human history. While only 49 copies of the two-volume Latin Bible survive today, it continues to inspire artists and writers alike.

Our Gutenberg Bible journal series reproduces two illuminated pages created by German artist Gisela Maschmann, who has modelled her miniature paintings on a volume of Gutenberg’s ecclesiastic masterwork housed in the Berlin State Library.

Pictured here: Genesis journal


Original Artwork: “Genesis” illuminated page by Gisela Maschmann
Available As: Ultra, midi and slim hardcover journals

Pictured here: Parabole journal


Original Artwork: “The Judgment of Solomon” illuminated page by Gisela Maschmann
Available As: Grande, midi and mini hardcover journals, pencil case

Pictured here: Parabole pencil case

We have long been fascinated by illuminated manuscripts, and actually originally offered these two Gutenberg Bible covers in 2008. Now, over a decade later, we are thrilled to update our designs and bring them back to the Paperblanks collection! We hope you find them as inspiring as we do.

Do you remember our original Gutenberg Bible series?

Pictured here: Genesis journal


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