“The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.”

Paulo Coelho

Last week we spoke about the beneficial effects journalling can have on your confidence, with the habit of practicing gratitude being one of the most important results.

A powerful tool to implement in your life, daily gratitude has been proven to have a positive impact on your overall well-being. From greater happiness and creativity to improved relationships and sleep, a daily gratitude habit can benefit you in many ways.

If you’d like to get into gratitude journalling in 2024, why not put aside 10 minutes at the end of your day and give these 10 journalling prompts a try:

Five things I am grateful for that touch each of my five senses are…

Something I have today that makes me happy that I didn’t have a year ago is…

One thing that made me smile today was…

Three qualities I like about myself are…

Five things I see around me right now that I am glad I don’t have to live without are…

Three things in my life I am grateful for are…

A person in my life I am grateful for today is…

One event that I am thankful for today is…

List the qualities of people you admire and how you can incorporate those qualities into your own life…

List the top three things that cause you stress. For each stress factor write what you could do to change it…


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