While it’s hard to say goodbye to the warm days of leisure during summer break, September and the back-to-school season can mark a stage of new beginnings and exciting plans. Whether you are returning to the classroom yourself (virtually or in-person) or sending your loved ones, here are 10 journalling prompts to help you plan, reflect and enjoy the anticipation of the school year ahead.

Pictured here: Anemone journal.

Write down your most important goals.

What are you most excited about for the new school year?

Write about a new morning ritual that will help you start your day on a positive note.

What are three things you aspire to accomplish this term?

Write a list of the things you are grateful for in your life.

What do you want to do for yourself this term?

What do you want to do for others this term?

Write down what productivity means to you.

Write about someone or something that helps you stay motivated.

Describe three values you strive to personify this term.

Pictured here: Flint and Dharma Dragon journals.

Check out all our prompts on the Paperblanks app! If you haven’t downloaded it yet, we’ve provided links on the bottom right of this page where you can gain access to hundreds of prompts on varying themes and topics.

And be sure to join us in our People of Paperblanks Facebook group so you can share your work with the rest of the Paperblanks community. We’d love to see what you write or create using these prompts!


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