
Ah, the rose. The flower most storied and maligned.

Our Holly Rose cover is inspired by a watercolour found inside an 18th-century Persian book cover. The original was most certainly a celebration of the luxury and refinement of Persian life and culture.

Our revival of the ancient Holly Rose design depicts the queen of flowers surrounded by delicate red ribbons and symmetrical borders to enhance the simple beauty of the focal rose. Each element draws the eye to her elegant petals, and the pleasing whole calls to mind a spirit of celebration and tradition.

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About Paperblanks®: At Paperblanks, we believe that art should have a place in all aspects of life. That’s why we follow the artist’s way in everything we do – creating, crafting and releasing designs we believe have the power to touch people. For more about Paperblanks, go to our website at paperblanks.com.


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