William Blake (1757–1827) may be revered today, but in his time he was scorned as a madman. His uncompromising artistic vision startles now, as it did then, for its precision and the breadth of its approach and scope. Blake wielded words and art in defense of spiritual truths that he felt were being lost in Britain’s rush toward industrialisation and scramble for material gain. As fierce and bright as a torch, his work illuminated his belief in prophecy that pitted good against evil and the unconscious against the conscious. His banner was freedom: artistic, spiritual and personal and, most radically, sexual and racial equality.

Blake paid dearly for his convictions and was poor and misunderstood for most of his life. Only after his death was his eccentric genius recognized.

William Blake’s Manuscript Notes: Re-Created on a Journal Cover

William Blake’s written notes are re-created on the journal cover of our book, Blake, Poems. The cover portrays a draft of seven poems, including “London” and “To Nobodaddy,” from his notebook published in the late 1700s.

This design is available in two sizes: Ultra and Mini.

Paperblanks’ Embellished Manuscripts Collection

To inspire the writer, these unique writing journals portray the work of some of the greatest writers, thinkers and artists of all time. These reproductions of excerpts from original manuscripts, letters, scores and drawings provide a glimpse into the creative process of figures such as William Shakespeare, Sigmund Freud and Vincent van Gogh.

To see the full range of artists and reproduced manuscripts go here.

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