We’re pleased to spotlight 3 new premium collections of writing journals from Paperblanks. All books in these collections feature:
- Intricate, elegant cover designs
- Ornamental edging
- Metal clasps
- Smythe sewn binding
- Ribbon markers
- Momento pouches
As well, each design in these collections is available in a variety of sizes.

Silver Filigree Collection
Featuring two designs: Blush Pink and Natural.
Intricacy and delicacy combine with repetition to create this silvered meditation on the nature of beauty. The word filigree derives from the Latin words “filum” for thread and “granum” for seed. The filigree pattern adorning our cover was originally designed and handcrafted in Germany circa 1800. To achieve the gilded and polished motif, a base layer of silver sheets was first die cut, and elaborate grooves were then meticulously etched into its surface.
The art of filigree is a moving testament to the human drive to ornament in order to delight the eye and the spirit. One can imagine a magistrate in ancient times carrying such a book and using it to keep a record of matters of state as easily as one can see it in pride of place on a well-appointed contemporary desk.
For more about the Silver Filigree Collection — including formats, sizes, ISBNs and other details – go to the Silver Filigree products page here.
Baroque Ventaglio Collection
Featuring two designs: Ventaglio Rosso and Ventaglio Marrone.
Where better to pen a magnum opus than inside this magnificent example of “a ventaglio” (fan) binding? Our reproduction of giltwork melting over red and brown Moroccan leather shrouds unadorned pages that make space for chronicling events of the day or recording elaborate fictions.
Our covers display at their centre a rose window surrounded by a design of slight Eastern influence and in each corner a filigree fan – the window quartered. An intricate ornamentation typical of Italian and Spanish Baroque, the geometrically compartmentalised design finds its inspiration in the French style “à la fanfare,” which gained popularity during the first half of the 17th century. Characterised by a celebration of ornate detail, Baroque decoration draws interest to deep symbolism couched in opulence.
These richly layered, decadent journals are an ideal place to preserve inspired contemplations.
For more about the Baroque Ventaglio Collection — including formats, sizes, ISBNs and other details – go to the Baroque Ventaglio products page here.
Grolier Ornamentali Collection
Jean Grolier (1479–1565) was among history’s most discerning collectors of beautiful boks and the first to develop a unique ornamental style of designs that became one of the most emulated worldwide. Although French, he preferred that his bindings follow the design principles of his Italian friend Aldus Manutius, the greatest printer of the Renaissance. The majority of the brilliant works were executed in Paris by two remarkable binding houses. Grolier’s collection of books was split between those he commissioned for himself and those he acquired or was given. At the time of his death, he possessed one of the greatest and most extensive private libraries in the world. Each of his books was of extraordinary quality, in a style described as both “quiet and simple, yet rich and flowing.”
This Grolier Ornamentali series is based on one of his last great commissions, a gold-tooled marbled brown leather creation with an interlaced curving design of single-line fillets and floral tools filling out the six-pointed star.
For more about the Grolier Ornamentali Collection — including formats, sizes, ISBNs and other details – go to the Grolier Ornamentali products page here.
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They are beautiful but its always hard to get grande size and then when you live in Austaralia its harder stll – we need more stores. I am going to stop looking at the blog as its too hard to look and not have!
Hi Gail. Have you tried an online store? Check out online retailers in Australia here: http://www.paperblanks.com/au/en/stores/stores_online/7923
Love the Silver Filigree collection.
They’re so hard to find to buy though, and I’m in the USA.
looking for someone to print on a book block 1 color on top of silver gilding. Suggestions?
Hi Daniel,
If you are looking for customised Paperblanks journals we do offer a Corporate Gifts program for large orders. Details can be found here: paperblanks.com/corporate-gifts.